What is Transgender Awareness Week?

Although 84% of Canadians* report support for equal rights and protections for trans people, transphobic comments and actions on social media and in our communities feel louder than ever.

This Trans Awareness Week, let’s come together to celebrate our trans friends, family members, neighbours, and selves, and take real action in support of trans folk. Trans allyship and trans joy are all the more important and impactful.

Let’s combat the rise in anti-trans discrimination with inclusion, education and pride.

We will be sharing and posting all throughout the week so make sure to follow along on our social media channels!


Support and Resources

We recognize that Trans Day of Remembrance can be a difficult time for many people. We encourage you to use the following resources if you need support at this time:

  • CMHA Yukon Reach Out Support Line (operates from 2-10PM daily): 1-844-533-3030

  • Kids Help Phone (Online or phone help line for youth and young adults): kidshelpphone.ca/

If you’d like to learn more about Trans History we suggest looking into the https://www.digitaltransgenderarchive.net/ which hosts a myriad of historical documents from around the world, accessible for free.

​GLAAD also hosts a brief explanation of the day and provides international resource & organizational links: https://www.glaad.org/tdor

*Angus Reid Survey, 2016