Policy & Bylaws

On this page, you will find Queer Yukon’s existing policies, code of conduct, and bylaws. We are currently in the process of updating and developing new organizational policies so this page will be updated soon.

Community Safety

Queer Yukon Society (QYS) is committed to fostering harassment-free community spaces where all employees, volunteers, and community members are treated with respect and dignity.

QYS recognizes and values diversity. We strive towards creating spaces that support, promote, and celebrate the beautiful and complex identities within our communities.
QYS acknowledges that we have more to learn and that no space is completely “safe”. We know that we have work to do to build capacity within our board and staff to recognize discriminating and threatening behaviours, especially towards identities that we do not personally hold. Our vision is a strong and vibrant LGBTQ2S+ community in Yukon.
QYS has a zero tolerance policy for any form of discrimination, violence or harassment based on (but not limited to):

  • ancestry, including colour and race;

  • national origin or immigration status;

  • ethnic and/or linguistic background (language) and/or origin;

  • religion or creed, or religious belief, religious association, or religious activity;

  • age;

  • sex;

  • pregnancy, and pregnancy related conditions;

  • two-spirit identity;

  • gender identity and/or gender expression;

  • sexual orientation;

  • physical and/or mental ability;

  • criminal charges and/or criminal record;

  • political belief, political association, and/or political activity;

  • marital or family status

  • source of income and/or economic status

Sécurité Communautaire (pdf)

Community Member Code of Conduct

To read our full Community Member Code of Conduct, please click on the link below.

Code of Conduct (pdf)

Code de Conduite (pdf)

Queer Yukon & Police

To read our full Statement: Yukon Pride Centre & Police, please click on the link below.

RCMP Statement_english (pdf)

RCMP Statement_français (pdf)

Online Moderation Policy

To read our full Online Moderation Policy, please click on the link below.

Online Moderation Policy (pdf)

​Politique sur la Modération en ligne (pdf)

Costumes and Community Spaces

​To read our full statement, please click the link below.

Costumes and Community Spaces Statement (pdf)

Bylaws & Governance

Queer Yukon Society bylaws were last updated at the Special General Meeting of the Society on October 16th, 2023. To read the bylaws, please click the link below.

QYS Bylaws (pdf)